Sunday, February 10, 2008

review coments

i had just collected the review comments from the faculty they seem to be happy with the way the project is progressing.
her is what they had to say

  • camera and plane moments are jarring
  • more dynamic motion in planes and work effects in(keep the plane moving in forward direction and the effect back wards)
  • nice effect
  • get close ups of plane using surface shader to block out the motion of planes needs silloete
  • simplyfy the end shot

  • work o camera moves.....tighten up transitions
  • work more on dynamics
  • don't be literal on size of planes
  • perhaps change look of film to help with the time travel

  • don't add anything-if you focus on making this work well -it will be very beautiful simple piece
  • i do like Gavin's idea of going from hd to old film
  • would recommend at least one close up of the paper plane

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Faculty review

i had presented the same story reel i had shown mike on Monday just with a little bit of particle effects thrown in even though it wasn't polished it was helpful in making them understand the kind of look i was going for.
they mostly like my project except for camera moves and the shot composition they generally felt that i might use better camera angles.
here are some of the notes that i had made during the faculty critique

  • Confused about the connection between the blank paper returning back to paper planes. One option is to start off w/blank paper
  • Color of small paper planes could change as larger paper models change. This could serve as re-enforcement for a transition effect; it adds to the concept
  • Change paper type and color as the planes change. Do this slowly and over time.
  • They liked the contrast between the paper models against the blue field of the sky. Add more contrast
  • Don't feel that you need to be so literal! Increase the size of the planes
  • They didn't get the concept that we're traveling backwards. One suggestion for resolving this is, have everything moving forward (i.e. plane models, cameras), but as the large planes break up into the smaller paper planes have these smaller planes travel backwards.
  • *Remove the time re-mapped edits of the planes moving backwards. You're over-thinking your concept.
  • Make a more interesting (dynamic motion of planes moving) animatic.
  • What does the ink lifting off the paper mean?
  • Would like to see more than 1 effect. Push at least 2-3 effects
  • Fix these....
  • Simplify the ending.
  • Camera moves need to work in relation to the transitions
  • Play around w/the Conserve function in your particles
  • Try bring the planes closer to the camera once in a while
  • Hold on your effects shots long enough that we get what the object is. Only a beat or 2.
  • Use solid planes (i.e. use Surface Shaders) in your animatic to lock down dramatic angles in each shot
  • clouds
    • Keep your clouds grounded
    • What types of clouds should be used? How should they be constructed?
      • Maya clouds
      • Digital matte painting
      • Particles
  • The important thing is Find a cheaper method that takes the least amount of time to create